Volunteer work in Museums and Monuments
Being a volunteer
Being a volunteer for the DGPC Museums and Monuments gives you an excellent opportunity to participate in actions for safeguarding our cultural heritage, acquiring specialised professional skills and developing privileged learning opportunities and communication skills as a result of directly contacting cultural agents and participating in cultural and social events. Each volunteer is given the opportunity to get acquainted with the nuts and bolts of culture and to be part of an active, creative and dynamic community.
Most of our museums, monuments and palaces have a long experience of working with volunteers but we welcome many more and trust that, with their initiative and willingness to collaborate, we will be able to develop many more actions in areas that, so far, have had no contribution from volunteers.
In order to implement this project, the DGPC developed a partnership with the insurance company Lusitânia that covers the cost of insurance of all volunteers who actively collaborate in our national museums and palaces.
The following are the main objectives of volunteer work in DGPC museums and palaces:
· To increase the number of volunteers;
· To encourage the involvement of civil society in heritage related issues;
· To bring museums and monuments closer to local communities;
· To enhance the individual contribution of each volunteer by developing training skills and providing enriching professional skills bearing in mind the development and improvement of both institutions and the society in general.
In order to expedite this procedure, an application form is available online so that all applicants may express their availability, specify their skills and indicate their preferences.
For further information on how to volunteer for Direção-Geral do Património Cultural, click here: DGPC Volunteer Charter
Volunteers Database – Online inscription
National Council for promoting Volunteer work - www.voluntariado.pt
EU General Protection Regulation
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