Museum Accreditation
Museum accreditation, under article 110 of the Portuguese Museums Act, is the assessment and official recognition of a museum’s technical standards in what concerns the promotion of access to culture and cultural heritage enrichment.
The Portuguese museum reality needs to be known and assessed, considering differences amongst museums, with a view to enhancing the quality and enjoyment of the Portuguese cultural heritage in its richness and diversity.
A museum’s accreditation and subsequent integration in the Portuguese Museums Network is a voluntary process that will occur when all the requirements laid out in the museum framework law have been met. These can be seen in the application form published under Ruling Decision no. 3/ 2006 of 25 January.
Ordinance no. 201/2022 of 3 august, which laid down the main structure of the Direção Geral do Património Cultural, set out the responsibilities of the Department of Museums, Monuments and Palaces as regards museum accreditation and enhancement: to coordinate and implement the necessary legal procedures for museum accreditation whilst ensuring their integration in the Portuguese Museums Network (RPM).
As the Application Form for museum accreditation is not currently available in electronic form, requests will have to be made by letter addressed to the Direção Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC).
For Download:
Ruling Decision no. 3/2006 (.pdf +/- 170 kb)