Amália in the world. The world of Amália

Amaália is Patrimony of us all. Her unquestionable place at the National Pantheon is the living proof of a National acknowledgement which should never cease to be called up.
The flowers that colour and embellish the monument and the people who bring them to Amália embody the sign of a life and a voice which will never be blacked out from our memory. The outcry of Amália in the wind is a sound which will always be unmistakable. The people have loved and still love Amália. Regardless its redundancy, a recognition of that love on the monument where she now rests will never be enough,. It makes us feel proud. In the end, people really are the most important among all Patrimonies. And Amália with her "independent heart/obstinately bleeding"", knew how to be really worthy of them.
Bilingual edition portuguese english
Reference: IPPBLIV09340520
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