D. João I. O Homem e o Rei / The Man and the King

The Scriptorium collection is part of a collaboration which began many years ago between the Monastery of Batalha (DGPC) and the Institute of Medieval Studies (NOVA FCSH).
The books which comprise it - modest in size, bold in ambition - adopt the Monastery of Batalha as the departure point for the study of people, events, themes, and myths that, in one way or another, gavitate within its orbit.
Each brings the reader up to date with cutting-edge historical thinking on the subject dealt with in a diffusion of knowwledge that is neither lofty nor closed but, rather, open and dynamic, inspiring further reading, and able to generate, alonside a curiosity both satisfied and stimulated, new ways of urdestanding the Batalha monument and its contexts, combining heritage and history.
Reference: IPPBLIV20013401
Author: Coelho, Maria Helena da Cruz ; Andrade, Amélia Aguiar ; Fontes, João Luís ; Seixas, Miguel Metelo ;
Edition: Batalha : IEM / Monteiro da Batalha, DGPC
ISBN: 978-972-776-581-2
Date: May 7, 2021
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