Touristic Guides World Heritage: In the Heart of Portugal

Consult the leaflet concerning the 4 routes we’ve specially created to help you discover this region.
Nestled in the southwest corner of Europe, we call this region “the heart of Portugal”. Many of the key events surrounding the birth of Portugal - the country with the oldest borders in Europe – are associated to this zone.
The region has a rich history and brims with a plethora of myths and legends. Its exceptional importance - the theme underlying these routes - is demonstrated by the fact that it houses three of Portugal’s most important UNESCO World Heritage monuments, in an area spanning little over 90km2.
Reference: IPPBLIV10348850
See also:
Trabalhos de Arqueologia 47 - A ocupação alto-medieval da encosta noroeste da Serra da Estrela
Reference: IPPBLIV07382601
História e Restauro da Pintura do Retábulo-Mor do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos
Reference: IPPBLIV00159201
Torre de Belém. Intervenção de Conservação do Exterior / Exterior Conservation Work
Reference: IPPBLIV00149501
As Rochas dos Monumentos Portugueses. Tipologias e Patologias (2 vols.)
Reference: IPPBLIV01175401