Trabalhos de Arqueologia 18 - Proceedings. International Symposium on Archaeology of Medieval an Modern Ships of Iberian-AtlanticTradition. Hull remains, manuscripts and ethnographic sources: a compar

Francisco Alves, ed.
Trabalhos de Arqueologia 18 - Proceedings. International Symposium on Archaeology of Medieval an Modern Ships of Iberian-AtlanticTradition. Hull remains, manuscripts and ethnographic sources: a comparative approach. (Centro Nacional de Arqueologia Náutica e Subaquática / Academia de Marinha.)
Lisbon - Septembre 7th to 9th, 1998
463 p.
In Memoriam PDF
(foto conferencistas) PDF
Nota preliminar PDF
Programa PDF
Apontamento PDF
Sessão de abertura PDF
Palavras do Director do Centro Nacional de Arqueologia Náutica e Subaquática - DR. FRANCISCO ALVES PDF
Palavras da Comissária do Pavilhão de Portugal na Expo’98 - DRa. SIMONETTA LUZ AFONSO PDF
Palavras do Ministro da Cultura - PROF. DOUTOR MANUEL MARIA CARRILHO PDF
The development of ancient and medieval shipbuilding techniques - J. RICHARD STEFFY PDF
The archaeological contribute to the knowledge of the extra-European shipbuilding at the time of the Medieval and Modern Iberian-Atlantic tradition - JEREMY GREEN PDF
Survivals of old shipbuilding traditions on northern Portugal local boats - IVONE MAGALHÃES E JOSÉ FELGUEIRAS PDF
Portuguese-derived ship design methods in southern India? - SEAN McGRAIL PDF
The Spanish Ships of the Oceanic Expansion. Documentation, archaeology and iconography from the 15th and 16th centuries - JOSÉ LUIS CASADO SOTO PDF
Arquitectura y construcción navales en la España Atlántica, el siglo XVII y primera mitad del XVIII. Una nueva sistematización - CRUZ APESTEGUI PDF
Sources for Lusitanian shipbuilding - RICHARD BARKER PDF
Documents on Portuguese Naval Architecture (late 16th-early 17th century) - a general overview - FRANCISCO CONTENTE DOMINGUES PDF
The concept of the Atlantic Vessel - THOMAS OERTLING PDF
The structures of Atlantic shipbuilding in the 16th century. An archaeological perspective - BRAD LOEWEN PDF
Le cas de la France . la fin du XVIIe siècle: une même méthode de conception des navires au Ponant et au Levant - ERIC RIETH PDF
The basque whaling ship from Red Bay, Labrador: a treasure trove of data on Iberian atlantic shipbuilding design and techniques in the mid-16th century - ROBERT GRENIER PDF
The Emanuel Point Ship: a 16th-century Vessel of Spanish Colonization - ROGER C. SMITH PDF
Wrecked ships and ruined empires: an interpretation of the Santo António de Tanna’s hull remains using archaeological and historical data - BRIAN JORDAN PDF
The hull remains of Ria de Aveiro A, a mid-15th century shipwreck from Portugal: a preliminary analysis - FRANCISCO ALVES, ERIC RIETH, PAULO RODRIGUES, MIGUEL ALELUIA, RICARDO RODRIGO, CATARINA GARCIA E EDOARDO RICCARDI PDF
L’épave d’un navire de la deuxième moitié du XVème siècle / début du XVIème, trouvée au Cais do Sodré (Lisbonne). Note préliminaire - PAULO RODRIGUES, FRANCISCO ALVES, ERIC RIETH E LUÍS FILIPE CASTRO PDF
The remains of a Portuguese Indiaman at the mouth of the Tagus, Lisbon, Portugal (Nossa Senhora dos Mártires, 1606?) - LUÍS FILIPE V. CASTRO PDF
The remains of a 14th-century shipwreck at Corpo Santo and of a shipyard at Praça do Município, Lisbon, Portugal - FRANCISCO ALVES, ERIC RIETH E PAULO RODRIGUES PDF
The excavation and dismantling of Angra D, a probable Iberian seagoing ship, Angra bay, Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal. Preliminary assessment - CATARINA GARCIA E PAULO MONTEIRO PDF
State of the excavation works of the 15th century shipwreck in Urbieta (Gernika, Spain) - MANU IZAGUIRRE, LUIS VALDÉS, JOSÉ MANUEL MATÉS IZASKUN PUJANA PDF
Declaração de Lisboa PDF
Lisbon Declaration PDF
Déclaration de Lisbonne PDF
Participantes conferencistas - Participants speakers - Participants conférenciers PDF
Reference: IPPBLIV07306137
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