Trabalhos de Arqueologia 45 - Towards a definition of the Aurignacian - Proceedings of the Symposium held in Lisbon, Portugal, June 25-30, 2002

Ofer Bar-Yosef, João Zilhão, eds.
Trabalhos de Arqueologia 45 - Towards a definition of the Aurignacian - Proceedings of the Symposium held in Lisbon, Portugal, June 25-30, 2002
377 p.
Índice PDF
Defining the Aurignacian OFER BAR-YOSEF PDF
A dynamic view of Aurignacian technology JANUSZ K. KOZLOWSKI PDF
Reflections on the role of bone tools in the definition of the Early Aurignacian DESPINA LIOLIOS PDF
Aurignacian, behavior, modern: issues of definition in the emergence of the European Upper Paleolithic JOÃO ZILHÃO PDF
Looking for names and missing the point. The case of the Portuguese “Aurignacian V” in the framework of definitions of the Aurignacian FRANCISCO ALMEIDA PDF
The Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition in Portugal: an Aurignacian phase or not? THIERRY AUBRY, MIGUEL ALMEIDA E MARIA JOÃO NEVES PDF
Archaic Aurignacian lithic technology in Cueva Morín (Cantabria, Spain) JOSÉ MANUEL MAÍLLO FERNÁNDEZ PDF
A brief overview of Aurignacian cultures in the context of the industries of the transition from the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic FRANÇOIS BON PDF
News from the West: a reevaluation of the classical Aurignacian sequence of the Périgord JEAN-GUILLAUME BORDES PDF
Re-evaluation of the principal diagnostic criteria of the Aurignacian: the example from Grotte XVI (Cénac-et-Saint-Julien, Dordogne) GÉRALDINE LUCAS PDF
Ten small sites: the diversity of the Italian Aurignacian MARGHERITA MUSSI, PATRIZIA GIOIA E FABIO NEGRINO PDF
The Swabian Aurignacian and its place in European Prehistory NICHOLAS J. CONARD E MICHAEL BOLUS PDF
The Early Aurignacian in central Europe and its place in a European perspective NICOLAS TEYSSANDIER, MICHAEL BOLUS E NICHOLAS J. CONARD PDF
The Aurignacian and after: chronology, geography and cultural taxonomy in the Middle Danube region JIRÍ A. SVOBODA PDF
The first Aurignacian technocomplexes in Europe: a revision of the Bachokirian JEAN-PHILIPPE RIGAUD E GÉRALDINE LUCAS PDF
The Aurignacian of the Caucasus MARCEL OTTE PDF
A hard look at the “Levantine Aurignacian”: how real is the taxon? NIGEL GORING-MORRIS E ANNA BELFER-COHEN PDF
The Levantine Aurignacian: a closer look JOHN K. WILLIAMS PDF
To be or not to be Aurignacian: the Zagros Upper Paleolithic DEBORAH I. OLSZEWSKI E HAROLD L. DIBBLE PDF
List of contributors PDF
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