Portuguese Archaeology Archive
The Portuguese Archaeology Archive is an essential instrument for managing the archaeological activity.
In order to assess research projects, permits for archaeological works, reports, environmental impact studies, territorial management instruments and urban management procedures, it is essential to first consult and analyse data from the Archive.
On the other hand, documentation that daily reaches the DGPC from the above mentioned procedures is immediately registered in the Portuguese Archaeology Archive where it is permanently updated. In order to be better organized and made available to the public, this archive will first need to be digitized.
Access and Usage Conditions
The Portuguese Archaeology Archive can be found in the Palace of Ajuda, Ala Norte, in Lisbon. Advance booking by email and a photographic identification are required for access to the archive.
The archive is open to the public on Wednesdays for a maximum of four visitors per week, in the following hours:
- from September 1 to December 15 / January 2 to July 15, between 9h30 a.m. until 8 p.m.;
- from July 16 to August 31 / December 16 to December 31, between 9h30 a.m. until 5 p.m.;
- from july 1 to September 15, closes between 1 p.m. until 2 p.m.
In case of impediment, you will be contacted so that a new date can be arranged.
For access to archaeological files, you will need to send your request by email to processosarqueologia@dgpc.pt , before the previous Monday at 17:30h. You may consult a maximum of 20 volumes/files per person.
Your request should include the following details:
a) Identification of the applicant;
b) Purpose of consultation and, whenever possible, identification of files required according to the database.
Access to archaeological files is made at the Archaeology Library, 2nd floor, Palácio da Ajuda (Ala Norte).
For taking photocopies, please refer to the Price List.
Palácio Nacional da Ajuda
1349-021 Lisboa
Tel. +351 21 361 42 00
Public Transport
Buses – 729, 732, 742 e 60
Tram – 18