Bota de Sota

Other Collections Postillion’s Boot 19th c. Portuguese work. Boot of the assistant Coachman.

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Cama de Campanha

Other Collections Field Bed 18th c. Portuguese work. Adjustable bed with its own body. It was part of the equipment used on military campaigns and on long trips.

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Regresso de Helena a Esparta

Other Collections Return of Helen to Sparta Tapestries – 18th c. (1730-1735). French work. Royal Manufacturing Workshop of Aubusson. Fabric in wool, silk and hemp burlap. This tapestry likely belonged to a group of tapestries themed “History of Troy” and tells of the return of Helen to Sparta after she was captured. The maker’s initials,

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Other Collections Rapier Weapons – 18th c. Portuguese work. Small silver and steel sword.

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Manto da Rainha D. Amélia

Other Collections Mantle of Queen Amélia State Dresses – 19th c. French work. Pink velvet mantle with brocade and silver lace embellishments. Given to Queen Amélia in 1886, by the city of Paris, on occasion of her marriage to Prince Carlos, future king of Portugal.

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Sela Portuguesa

Other Collections Portuguese Saddle 18th c. Portuguese work. Set of saddle, saddlecloth, caparison and stirrups belonging to Pedro de Alcântara e Meneses, 4th Marquis of Marialva.

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