Sela Cadeirinha

Other Collections Saddle Chair Children Artefacts – 19th c. English work. Builder: Shipley Sadler, Regent Street, London. Child’s saddles offered in 1868 by the King of Italy, Vitor Emanuel II, to his grandson, Prince Carlos of Portugal.

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Teliz do Marquês de Marialva

Other Collections Saddle Cloth of the Marquis of Marialva Harnesses – 18th c. Portuguese work. A cloth used to cover the horse, placed on top of the saddle. In red velvet with white and yellow silk embellishments, and the Coat of Arms of the Marquis in the centre. It belonged to Pedro de Alcântara e

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Arreios de Tiro

Other Collections Draught Horse Harnesses Harness – 18th c. Portuguese work. Portuguese type harnesses for the royal coaches decorated with the Portuguese Coat of Arms of the period of D. José I. They belonged to a draught horse set of eight horses.

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Other Collections Saddle Cloth 18th c. (1756) Portuguese work. A cloth worn by the horse in green velvet embellished in silver, displaying the Coat of Arms of King José I.

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Caixa de Guerra da Casa Real

Other Collections War Drum of the Royal House Musical Instruments – 18th c. Portuguese work. Drum used to mark the marching rhythm in military deployments.

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Charameleiro da Casa Real

Other Collections Trumpeter of the Royal House Uniforms – 18th – 19th c. State Livery.

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Trombeta da Charamela Real

Other Collections Trumpet and Royal Banner Musical Instruments – 18th c. Portuguese work. Belonged to the Corps of Wind Instruments of the Trumpets of the Court or Royal Band and display the Royal Coat of Arms of King José I.

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Maça de Prata

Other Collections Silver Maces 18th c. Portuguese work. Insignia used by the Gatekeepers of the Royal House in Royal processions, engraved with the Coat of Arms of King José I.

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