National Coach Museum

The Collection

Landau of King Pedro V

Builder: Baxters & Pearce.

Landau of King Pedro V
The body is black.
The body is suspended on C-shaped springs.
It has two leather folding hoods.
Access to the inside is made by a folding stirrup.
The King’s Coat of Arms are displayed with an ermine mantle on either side and topped by the royal crown.
The two lanterns are also crowned.
The interior is lined in a red silk grosgrain and has a chest to transport weapons.

Some Facts

  • Century
  • 19th (1834)
  • Vehicle
  • ceremonial
  • Work
  • English
  • Inv
  • 50860 PNA
  • Dimensions
  • 440 x 195 x 230 cm

1 – The body is black.

2 – The body is suspended on C-shaped springs.

3 – It has two leather folding hoods.

4 – Access to the inside is made by a folding stirrup.

5 – The King’s Coat of Arms are displayed with an ermine mantle on either side and topped by the royal crown.

6 – The two lanterns are also crowned.

7 – The interior is lined in a red silk grosgrain and has a chest to transport weapons.


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