- Coach of Filipe IIlink7
- Coach of Queen Maria Francisca of Savoylink8
- Patriarchs Coachlink9
- Coach of Queen Maria Francisca of Savoylink10
- Coach of King Pedro IIlink11
- Coach of Queen Maria Ana of Austrialink12
- Coach of King João Vlink13
- Crown Coachlink14
- Coach of Pope Clemente XIlink15
- Oceans Coachlink16
- The Ambassador’s Coachlink17
- “Coach of the Coronation of Lisbon”link18
- King José I Coachlink19
- Coach of Prince Antóniolink20
- “Meninos de Palhavã” Coachlink21
- Coach of the Princesseslink22
- Coach of Queen Mariana Vitórialink23
- Berlin of the Royal Houselink24
- Berlin of the Royal Houselink25
- Berlin of the Royal Houselink26
- Table Coachlink27
- Berlin of the Royal Houselink28
- Bed Berlinlink29
- Royal House Berlinlink30
- Berlin of Queen Maria Ilink31
- Four Wheel Chaiselink32
- State Carriagelink33
- “Coach of Cardinal João da Mota e Silva”link34
- Processional Berlinlink35
- Processional Berlinlink36
- Chaises of Plumeslink37
- Eyeglass Chaiselink38
- Cabrioletlink39
- Cabrioletlink40
- Cabrioletlink41
- Cabrioletlink42
- Litterlink43
- Litterlink44
- Sedan Chairlink45
- Sedan Chairlink46
- Sedan Chairlink47
- Sedan Chair of Madalenalink48
- Sedan Chairlink49
- Sedan Chairlink50
- Sedan Chairlink51
- Victorialink52
- Victorialink53
- Milordlink54
- Phaetonlink55
- Phaeton for Childrenlink56
- Milord for Childrenlink57
- Cabriolet for Childrenlink58
- Carriage for Childrenlink59
- Cabriolet for Childrenlink60
- Charabanclink61
- Dog Cartlink62
- The Crown State Carriagelink63
- Landau of King Pedro Vlink64
- State Carriage of Maria IIlink65
- State Carriage of the Count of Galveiaslink66
- Porto Covo State Carriagelink67
- Clarencelink68
- Clarencelink69
- Regicide Landaulink70
- Clarencelink71
- Landaulink72
- Calashlink73
- Road Coachlink74
- Mail Coachlink75
- Coach of Prince Franciscolink76
- “Coach of Princess Maria Francisca Benedita”link77
- Coach of Queen Carlota Joaquinalink78
- Coach of the Count and Countess of Ericeiralink79
- Berlin of Queen Maria Ilink80
- Lions Berlinlink81
- Berlin of the Patriarchslink82
- Berlin of the Royal Houselink83
- Sedan Chairlink84
- Tabardslink86
- Silver Maceslink87
- Trumpet and Royal Bannerlink88
- Trumpeter of the Royal Houselink89
- War Drum of the Royal Houselink90
- Saddle Clothlink91
- Draught Horse Harnesseslink92
- Harnesses for the Procession of S. Georgelink93
- Saddle Cloth of the Marquis of Marialvalink94
- Lampslink95
- Saddle Chairlink96
- “Neto” Attirelink97
- Hunting Trumpetslink98
- Head Coachman of the Royal Houselink99
- Groom of the Royal Houselink100
- Archer of the Royal Houselink101
- Queen Amélia of Orleans and Bragançalink102
- Estafermolink103
- Distaff Lanceslink104
- Tournament Shieldslink105
- Insignia of the Order of our Lady of Immaculate Conception of Vila Viçosalink106
- Portuguese Saddlelink107
- Mantle of Queen Amélialink108
- Rapierlink109
- Return of Helen to Spartalink110
- Field Bedlink111
- Postillion’s Bootlink112
- Postillion’s Stirruplink113
- Whips and Riding Cropslink114
- Coach Harnesseslink115
- King Luís Ilink116
- GLOSSARYlink117
- SHOPlink120
- VISITlink126